A recurring payment by credit card (hereinafter referred to as ‘Recurring Payment’) is a credit card acceptance provided by SimplePay which means that the credit card details provided by the Customer during the registration transaction can be used in the future for
new payments without having to re-enter the credit card details. The recurring payment type is called ‘occasional consent’ for all transactions, thus you must approve the transaction for all future payments. In case of successful payment, you will be notified through the same channels as in the case of traditional credit card payments.
By accepting the presented statement to use Recurring Payment, you consent that after a successful registration transaction on the following website (https://tamogatas.evaduda.net/) payments can be initiated from your user account without re-entering your credit card details.
Attention(!): credit card details are processed in accordance with card scheme rules. Your credit card details cannot be accessed either by the Vendor or SimplePay. Recurring payment transactions initiated by the Vendor falsely or unlawfully shall be Vendor’s direct liabilities and towards Vendor’s payment service provider (SimplePay) any claim enforcement is excluded.
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